Clean eating. Another new adventure.

Sunday March 24

On March 3 I partially tore a ligament in my knee, sprained another ligament and tried to dislocate my knee cap. Bummer. This has thrown off my half-marathon training, exercise regime…and well, my life.

After this happened I could no longer go to the gym — I was prescribed six weeks of physical therapy and I will find out by my physical therapist when I get to return to a normal life at the gym. Naturally, I kept eating — and drinking — the way I was while I was consistently exercising.

My pants didn’t agree with this… neither did my dairy allergy… or my happiness. I was bummed, slept a lot (which isn’t all bad) and I was bored.

Yesterday I decided to take on another adventure — semi-raw/clean eating. Clean eating is basically eating foods that aren’t highly processed or with more than five or so ingredients. Raw eating is, well, you guessed it — eating the food not cooked (this doesn’t mean meats…raw eating is essentially a vegan diet).

I’m not going vegan, but I’m pretty close to a vegan diet (when I follow it) anyway. I avoid red meats (unless hungover or on a special occasion) I don’t eat Wilbur (I want one as a pet) and I don’t cook chicken or anything like that — raw meats freak me out. I love fish and I don’t mind egg whites. So, essentially I’ll be a vegan that eats egg whites or tuna while in my apartment and when I go out I may spring for chicken or salmon on a salad.

Before deciding to do this I purchased several books on and read up on why this is a healthy choice, where to get certain nutrients and vitamins and found some pretty great recipes. I feel educated enough in the reasons why and how to adapt my lifestyle to this, although hungover Sundays will be slightly difficult when I’ll be eating so many veggies 🙂

(A normal clean-eating/raw diet suggests eliminating alcohol…but you know me, that won’t happen. I’m a writer — excuse, I know, but it won’t happen. I’m being realistic. I will, however, limit the amount of drinks I have per week and try and stay away from bar crawls and binge drinking events.)

So, here we go! Clean eating commence.

The end of my longest adventure

Wednesday Feb. 6

For 16 Christmases I asked Santa Claus for my two front teeth.

One July day I got hit in the mouth with a golf club. Right smack in the front teeth with a 9-iron from the backswing of my strong, powerful 2-year-old brother. 

My first thought when I ran to my deck crying wasn’t that I wouldn’t be able to bite into an apple until I was 26 years old, or that I’d undergo countless surgeries and procedures, or that I would go through numerous front teeth before I would finally be done with the saga that was my mouth. 

I was 10 years old when I had a root canal on my front tooth. The other tooth was chipped and would remain chipped for quite awhile. When I was 18 I would get my two front teeth crowned and I’d be done. 

But, if you know me, things aren’t that easy. There were complications and my root-less tooth was unable to crown. I would need an implant.

So here goes me making my long, painful, sometimes embarrassing and toothless, story short.  One day I’ll take more time and spell out each hilarious story — it would probably make quite the entertaining long-short story. Stay tuned, I may have an idea here 🙂

At 18 I was devastated that I wouldn’t have my final two front teeth for senior prom, but I did find it hilarious that I was getting “implant(s).” I’m so mature — it still makes me laugh. 

The summer before I was going to college I found out that I’d need braces again…to pull my bone line down and increase the success of an implant. I put off the braces for a year. I had to make friends in college! My sophomore year of college I had braces on for six months. Clear, thank goodness, and my orthodontist did them for free (it was my second set).

After the braces came the bone graft. Yes. I got cadaver bone sewn into my mouth. A former editor of mine calls me Spooky Tooth because of this. It makes me laugh. After the bone graft came flippers one and two. For those that don’t know, a flipper is a tooth on a retainer. 

In between all of this I lost or broke various fake teeth, including at a midnight showing of the sixth Harry Potter movie. I freaked out to my mom and she told me to wait until the movie was over. Thanks Mom 🙂

But, back on track — For many years I had a tooth on a retainer….That’s what happens when you graduate college and don’t have insurance so an implant surgery ends up being quite expensive. 

But I grew up. I got a salaried job and I got health and dental insurance…and President Obama’s law allowed me to go back on my parents’ health insurance until I was 26. Boom. 

Finally last August I found an incredible dentist office that would do my implant. I had the procedure done, then various other appointments, adjustments, front teeth… and finally it is Feb. 6, 2013. It’s the night before the day I’ve been waiting for for 16 years. 

Tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. I will get my final crowns on my two front teeth. One a normal crown, the other on my implant. When it’s complete I will have “normal” front teeth for the first time since that warm July day in my backyard. 

I’ll be able to bite into a sandwich with the front of my mouth. I’ll be able to eat corn off the cob, not cut it onto my plate like a toddler. I’ll be able to chew gum without worrying about it getting caught in my flipper (although I’ve been doing this since January). I’ll be able to bite into an apple — I’ll be able to eat carmel apples (minus the fact they typically contain dairy). 

This is my last night with my last temporary set of teeth. I wish I had counted how many I had gone through, how many different bonding appointments and molds were taken of my mouth, how many times I told my story of taking the golf club to my face and the following years of trying to fix the injured teeth… But it’s almost over. I am so excited.

It’s like Christmas Eve…and Santa’s got my back this year.  

Note: I’d like to thank Dr. McNaught at Long Lake Dental in Long Lake, Minn. for dealing with my stubborn mouth from birth until…well, you’ll forever be my dentist even if I only see you on occasion. 

Advice from when I was young

Thursday Sept. 27

Growing up my parents used to give me a lot of advice during sports seasons. There are three things I will never forget… Two of them apply for numerous circumstances throughout life. The third might get you into trouble.

1. Keep your head down (strictly for golfing purposes — off the course I’d recommend keeping your head up)
2. You’ll have fun when you get there and you’ll be happy you went (My dad used to say this when I would complain about summer hockey clinics… He was always right)
3. Play through the tired (My mom used to tell me this when I would want to stop running in soccer… She was always right)

Rules two and three really do work… And it helped me the last two days at the gym.

Wednesday was a long day and I really wanted to skip the gym after work. That’s why I always try and go before work. I get too tired later and try and make up excuses to avoid it.

Well… I took the advice of my dad and I went. The second I hopped on the elliptical I was in a better mood and ecstatic that I was working out.

Today was another long day that started much earlier than most. After work I had to run around and do errands.

I was standing in the Prudential Center Mall looking at the hallway to my gym and the food court… The unhealthy and disgusting mall Chinese food was so tempting. I was about to get dinner instead, but turned and went to the gym.

I was tired. My legs burned within minutes of my jog. I wanted to stop. But I could hear my mom’s voice and I pushed through the tired. I ended up running further than I had planned on without noticing.

It felt great.

Thanks mom and dad… Your advice might get me through this half marathon training.

Tomorrow is my five mile run. I’ve never ran five miles. Wish me luck.

Pre-training Week 2 (kind of)

Tuesday Sept. 25

So, I was pretty inconsistent with my first week of pre-training for the half marathon I hope to run in April. I’m calling it pre-training because registration for the race is at the end of October and I’m not a runner, at all.

But, I’m going to become one. The pre-training gives me a few weeks to see if I’ll be able to complete a half marathon (or at least close to completing it). So far, I’m enjoying setting goals for myself and enjoying the energy and endorphins I’m gaining through morning runs.

Week 1 wasn’t much of a success because I realized that the training schedule I was going to follow doesn’t work as perfectly for my lifestyle as I’d hoped. After failing at training for five days last week, I decided to alter the program to better fit me… Which will make my goals much easier to complete (I hope).

Here’s what I’m going to do for week 2 (since I’m blogging about it, I have to do it — right?)

Sunday: Soccer game (I’m considering this a “light” run) — complete!
Monday: Rest — complete!
Tuesday: Morning “light” run (30-40 minutes/3-4 miles) — complete!
Wednesday: Cross training (I plan on going to the gym in the morning… My bag is packed!)
Thursday: Long run (five miles…will increase as weeks pass) or cross training
Friday: Long run or cross training…whichever I didn’t do Thursday (this will depend on my schedule)
Saturday: Rest day (I go out on Fridays…Lets be real, I’ll likely be hungover until I get closer to the race and cut out alcohol)

So… With that I hope to succeed in pre-training…and eventually real training for April’s half marathon in D.C.

Pre-training Day 1

Tuesday Sept. 18

I went on my first run this morning using Shape’s half marathon training. Not sure if this is the best program, but I’m going for it. I ran 3 miles (about 30 minutes) around South Boston. The program calls for running for three minutes and walking for two. I wasn’t dead when I was done with the run… I’m taking that as a good sign.

I could get used to this running thing… Especially with the view I had this morning:


Can’t really complain about that, can you? haha.

One downfall of the run… A rat started running next to me. Either I’m very slow or rats are very quick. I’m going to go with the latter to keep my self esteem high. Lets see how tomorrow goes!

Half Marathon? Okay…

Monday Sept. 17

Well, I’ve decided to embark on yet another adventure — training for a half marathon.

This came about after I tweeted my friend saying I needed her to move back to Boston so I could have my gym motivation. She then asked if I wanted to run a half marathon in D.C. in April. My response was, “Yes that sounds fun but I don’t know how.”

Okay, does it really sound fun? A trip to D.C. and having goals — that sounds fun. Buying new running attire and accessories? That sounds fun. Actually running 13.-whatever miles? Not so fun. But, I like to challenge myself and I like to have things to strive for.

Plus, how great will it be to say that I ran a half marathon? I want to call up my old soccer coach right now and be like… Ya know how I hated running? Well, I’m training for a half marathon. I think he’d fall out of his chair.

Signup for the marathon is towards the end of October. That gives me a few weeks to start pre-training to see if this is actually something I’ll be able to accomplish (my bum ankle might think differently, but time will tell).

So, here I go. Another adventure. I’m excited, nervous and completely lost at how this will go. Fingers crossed.

Netflix Suggestions

Sunday Sept. 16

I’ve decided that Netflix’s suggestions can tell a lot about a person… and are alarmingly accurate. I have a vast taste in movies and TV shows. It’s kind of ridiculous some of the things I watch. Netflix is spot on with its suggestions. Yay technology. 

These are the categories it suggests for me: 

Violent Crime Movies
Sentimental Movies ages 8-10
Witty Buddy TV shows
Quirky TV Comedies
Emotional Dramas
Family-Friendly Talking Animal TV Shows
Romantic Independent Road Trip Movies
Goofy Workplace TV Shows
Controversial Political Documentaries 
Feel-good Comedies
Scary Suspenseful Psychological Movies
Exciting Action Comedies from the 1980s
Critically-acclaimed Dark 20th Century Period Pieces
Horror Movies
My favorite suggestion is how specific the “Family-Friendly Talking Animal TV Shows” is.. What’s better than a talking animal? Nothing. 
So, that list is me in a nutshell — with the addition of “Sentimental Sports Movies” and “Every Romantic Comedy Ever Made” … But yeah. That’s me. 100 percent. Bravo Netflix. 

New things!

Sunday Aug. 12

Again, it has been awhile since I’ve posted… I was just gathering the highlights of all my adventures to make one dominant (or likely not so dominant) post. The real reason is because I’ve been busy with every day life — work, weddings, working out and becoming healthier, and most excitingly a NEW apartment!

That’s right, I’ll be leaving the lovely town of Brookline (so sad, but so excited) and becoming a Boston resident again… I’ll be moving to Southie on Sept. 1! I’m excited to explore a new area of the city, live with new people (although I’ll miss my current roomie so much!), find some nice Irish lads and learn how to take the bus (eek!). 


My new apartment in Southie!

We’ll be lacking a living room (but that’s okay… it means I’ll have to leave the apartment, which is NEVER a bad thing!), but we will have a great porch and a large backyard (I’m going to get a hammock) and we’ll be just two blocks (yes, two blocks!) from Castle Island and the BEACH!

I really can’t wait to move in. It’s going to be so much fun and new is always exciting. Plus, it’s cheaper so that means even more adventures!

Other things have changed, too.

I joined a new gym. See ya Planet Fitness (well, I haven’t canceled my membership there, yet…) but you aren’t worth it. My company provides a discounted membership at FitCorp. Such a great deal that I couldn’t pass it up. Plus, the gym is cleaner, not as busy, there are multiple downtown locations, fitness classes, and when you sign up you get two personal training sessions for free! Not to mention there are more machines, different weights, and more space to do all the workouts I want to. It’s also far less intimidating.

I’ve been a member for about two weeks now, but all I can say is that I’m in love. It’s so amazing — I should probably be a spokesperson.

Otherwise life seems to be pretty much the same… I’ve gotten really good at “cheating” at being dairy free — eating what I want without getting sick. Although, I’ve had to start keeping a food diary because there is a chance I may be allergic or intolerant to more foods. Great. I’m thinking I should just stick to fruits and veggies — hey there health, wellness, etc…. but I’ll miss my hungover burgers, turkey sammies and bread dunked in olive oil.

So here I am… embarking on new adventures — trying not to be allergic to food, moving to a new place and joining a new gym… Stay tuned for how this all goes. I’m pretty excited (at least for the gym and the move)!


Wednesday March 14

Okay, so it’s been awhile since I’ve last thrilled you all with my life anecdotes. That’s mainly because I spend most of my time at work, then going to the gym, going home, eating dinner and then going to bed. It’s a thrilling life, really… Okay, maybe not. But I’ve been enjoying it. Actually, the gym has been amazing. I’m in love and I hate not going.

Well, I guess I’ll have to get used to not going. Because of this:


What a fantastic boot you say? No. It’s not. It’s like a grandmother’s orthopedic sandal. Apparently my love for the gym has resulted in me getting a severe case of tendinitis in the top of my foot. So I get a boot. I haven’t worked out since last Friday. I feel like my life is in shambles because of it… When did I become a meathead?

If I was to tell my high school self…

Wednesday Feb. 22

Do you ever have those days where you completely surprise yourself? Today I didn’t necessarily surprise who I am today, but I sure would have surprised who I was in middle school and high school — I think I even freaked my mother out.

Today was a normal day at work (minus the fasting for Lent) followed by my usual trip to the gym. I typically do 60 minutes on the elliptical (in the personal trainer mode) followed by weightlifting.

Today was a legs day. Today was also a day where I had only 20 chapters left in my book (a friend and I are doing our own version of a book club — mainly just reading at the same time and competing to see who can get done first. He won earlier in the day, so I wanted to finish so I could start on the next book on our to-read list) so I was determined to finish it.

E-books are great because you can increase the size of the font so it’s easy to read while sprinting on the elliptical.

I hopped on the machine, increased my font size, started my techno pandora station and took off. Sixty minutes flew by. So fast that I didn’t realize my time was up until the machine turned off on me. I had roughly eight chapters to go. I wasn’t going to leave the gym without finishing the book.

I went and did my weightlifting regimen and then went back, yes back, onto a different type of elliptical. I told myself I’d stay on it until I finished my book and then do a five minute cool down. Forty-five minutes later I was hopping off the elliptical and heading to the locker room. I finished my book (I recommend it) and I was on my way home to break my fast because honestly I was about to fall over.

But why would this day surprise my young self?

Let’s break it down. First, I didn’t read for pleasure. Ever. I barely read for school. I became a good skimmer. My young self would have been shocked that this is the third book I had finished in the month of February… for fun… and I was thrilled to be starting a fourth.

Second, my young self would have been surprised that I went to the gym, again. Not because I didn’t like exercising… I did…  but I exercised at sports practice. Not for fun at a gym. It definetly wasn’t something I had to do or I felt off. Now that’s the case.

Thirdly, my young self would have been shocked to find out that I worked out longer to finish this book… That I “ran” six more miles than normal so I could see what happened… That I was so engulfed in the story that I had no concept of time.

I think my young self would be impressed with my new love of working out and reading… she’d be shocked, but impressed. All I can say is, going to the gym and reading is probably the best way to relax, clear my head and just feel happy about life… Like this: